Welford Nursery Admissions
Welford Primary School has its own Nursery class.
There are 60 full time equivalent places in the Nursery for children between the ages of 3 and 4 years old.
As a maintained primary school with a Nursery class, we offer places to all children on a part-time basis.
Full- time places are available. To check if you are eligible for a full-time Nursery place for your child, please complete the form via the link below.
30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
If you are interested in applying for a Nursery place at Welford Primary School, please visit the school office to collect a registration form.
Alternatively, you can download the registration form by clicking here.
Once completed, please return the registration form to the main school office, along with your child's birth certificate/passport and a proof of address.