Welford Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed

Welford Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands B20 2BL

As your first point of contact, please call the office staff (Miss Jolley, Mrs Marva and Miss Hussain) who will happily deal with your enquiry.


0121 464 9228

WELCOME to Welford Primary School

At Welford we aim to provide a challenging, relevant and enjoyable Computing curriculum which enables children to be ready for the challenges and opportunities offered by our technologically-rich world.

To help us do this we follow the National Curriculum which breaks down the subject into three areas:

  1. Computer Science e.g. coding, algorithms and programming
  2. Information Technology e.g. processing and presenting data
  3. Digital Literacy e.g. how to interact safely with technology.

This is achieved through the delivery of a combination of cross curricular and discrete learning units using a variety of software. We are currently supported in Computer Science by an external expert who is developing the skills of class teachers and children across the school.

Welford has a great range of hardware to support learning in Computing including a dedicated Computing Suite, class laptop and iPad trolleys. Each class also uses an Interactive Whiteboard.