Welford Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed

Welford Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands B20 2BL

As your first point of contact, please call the office staff (Miss Jolley, Mrs Marva and Miss Hussain) who will happily deal with your enquiry.


0121 464 9228

WELCOME to Welford Primary School

Our School

Welford Primary School was opened in January 1972. It was designed as a two form entry primary school catering for children aged 4 to 11 years old. In 1978 a Nursery Unit was added and 3 years later a Community Unit was built. More land was later acquired for both recreational and educational purposes.

The school also completed an extension to the building in 2002 and 2012. This new extension provided additional office accommodation, teaching rooms, staff room and a dedicated computer suite to accommodate 30 children.

The school is a modern building set in the heart of the community of Handsworth. Its buildings are well-maintained as are the grounds. Together they present an excellent environment for young children to learn in and live together. Welford School has up to 420 children on roll aged between 4 and 11 with an average class size of 30. In addition 60 full-time equivalent places for children aged between 3 and 4 in our Nursery.

Each year the school admits up to 60 children into the Reception. (please read admission arrangements).

The school has a wide range of facilities and resources to support children’s education. These include well equipped classrooms (all with interactive whiteboards), an Assembly Hall and a PE Hall.

Head Teacher Mrs C Foster

Welford Primary School,



West Midlands.

B20 2BL.


Phone Number: 0121 464 9228 Fax Number: 0121 464 4097

Email: enquiry@welford.bham.sch.uk