Welford Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed

Welford Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands B20 2BL

As your first point of contact, please call the office staff (Miss Jolley, Mrs Marva and Miss Hussain) who will happily deal with your enquiry.


0121 464 9228

WELCOME to Welford Primary School

Contact Us

As your first point of contact, please call one of our admin team members: Mrs Jolley, Mrs Marva or Mrs Hussain who will happily deal with your enquiry or re-direct you to the appropriate contact.


Phone Number: 0121 464 9228

Fax Number: 0121 464 4097

Email: enquiry@welford.bham.sch.uk

Postal address:

Welford Primary School,



West Midlands.

B20 2BL.

Our SENCO (Special Needs Co-ordinator) is also our Deputy Head Mrs Bradbury

Use the above information to contact her. 

For more information on SEND please click here

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